Well, that funny looking word stands for
A World Against Violence Against Women And Children.
 (Click on the orange link to be taken to the facebook page)

Domestic violence is the leading contributor to death,
disability and illness in Victorian women aged 15-44

National reports
• 48% of Australian women report experiencing at least one incident of physical violence, over their lifetime
• 34% of report experiencing at least one incident of sexual violence, over their lifetime

A national study of young people found that around one quarter of young Australians witness domestic violence
( THAT IS ONE IN  FOUR!!! That is too many!)

In a national survey of women:
• 20% of Indigenous women reported physical violence in the preceding 12 months, compared with 7% of non-Indigenous women
• 12% of Indigenous women reported sexual violence, compared to 4% of non-Indigenous women

7.5% of women from a non-English speaking background experience violence from their partner during their relationship

Researchers have found that compared to non-disabled women, women with disabilities:
• experience violence at higher rates and frequently are at a significantly higher risk of violence (between 2 and 12 times that of women without disabilities (Mulder 1995)
• have considerably fewer pathways to safety
• tend to be subjected to violence for significantly longer periods of time
• experience violence that is more diverse in nature
• experience violence at the hands of greater numbers of perpetrators

A recent NSW study revealed that although the prevalence of violence in current lesbian relationships was low, the levels of abuse reported in previous lesbian relationships was very high with the highest levels occurring in the following categories:
• Humiliation 46%
• Controlling-jealous behaviour 45.5%
• Physical violence 36.5%
• Social isolation 31.7%

Direct health impacts for women from violence
• Injuries from assault
• Chronic health problems eg irritable bowel syndrome
• Increased unintended pregnancies
• Terminations
• Low birth weight babies
• Higher rates of sexually transmitted infections, including HIV/AIDS
• Higher rates of depression and anxiety
• Post traumatic stress disorder
• Mental illness
• Abuse of alcohol and drugs
• Self harm

To show your support, you can by an elastic banded bracelet or other accessories  from HERE

My mission: To have a world without domestic violence and physical/sexual abuse. My plan is to build a place of refuge, where women and children can come to feel safe, to talk to someone about what is happening, and to help them take the steps to an abuse free, happy life.

I am creating a large range of gifts and accessories that you can find out about HERE